Survivor Services
Domestic violence services are designed to meet the needs of survivors and their children whose lives are affected by interpersonal violence. All services are confidential, free of charge, and can be accessed by calling the 24-hour helpline at 508-755-9030, or by using our chat line:
YWCA Central Massachusetts has developed a comprehensive domestic violence program that encompasses a social justice service delivery system that can respond to survivors of domestic violence effectively and efficiently. The design of each component is intended to address specific areas in the continuum of domestic violence services – ranging from confidential emergency shelter for survivors and children fleeing from imminent danger to non-residential community based services, advocacy and support. It strives to address all forms of intimate partner violence simultaneously. Battered Women’s Resources (BWR) and Daybreak are programs of the YWCA Central Massachusetts.
24-Hour Helpline: 508-755-9030
Our 24-hour helpline service provides emotional support, domestic violence advocacy, referrals to community resources, safety planning and crisis intervention. The helpline is answered by trained advocates who offer thoughtful attention. The helpline accepts collect calls.
Online Help/Chat Line:
The daily chatline service provides emotional support, domestic violence advocacy, referrals to community resources, safety planning and crisis intervention. The chatline is answered by trained advocates who offer thoughtful attention. The chat line address is
Community Outreach
Local outreach is conducted at various community sites and provides access to support, advocacy, referrals, safety planning and crisis intervention.
Domestic Violence Education Class
Survivors who have been identified as domestic violence victims by the Department of Children and Families are referred to a domestic violence class. The class is held once a week for four weeks. Please call our helpline at 508-755-9030 for more information and to enroll.
Confidential Emergency Shelter
YWCA’s domestic violence shelters provide refuge for survivors at safe, confidential sites. These are the only confidential shelters in Central Massachusetts. Domestic Violence Services Advocates provide support, advocacy, counseling, and individual case management. The goal while at shelter is to empower the lives of survivors and their families, and to assist them in rebuilding for the future.
Family and Friends Bystander Program
Families and friends of victims/survivors, or suspected victims/survivors, may meet with a Domestic Violence Advocate for support, resources and information about domestic violence, as well as to discuss possible interventions.
SAFEPLAN/Court Advocacy
SAFEPLAN Advocates are not attorneys and do not provide legal advice, but are available at the court to assist survivors of domestic violence through the restraining order process. SAFEPLAN Advocates provide emotional support, explain the legal process of restraining and harassment orders and paperwork, courtroom procedure and discuss safety planning as well as referrals to ongoing support services. To speak to a SAFEPLAN Advocate, call the 24-hour helpline at 508-755-9030 or visit the SAFEPLAN office in a court.
This project was (partially) supported by the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance through State Bridge funds, and/or a Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, and/or the Human Trafficking and Drunk Driving Trust Funds.
High-Risk Community Based Services
The High-Risk Community-Based Services Advocates provide crisis intervention, safety planning, short-term counseling, support groups, and advocacy to victims/survivors of domestic violence identified as high-risk in both North Central and Greater Worcester Massachusetts. The Advocates serve as a liaison between the YWCA, Police Departments, the Courts and other community resources to ensure participants are included conversations and have the information they need to increase their safety.
In addition to direct services, the Advocates offer educational activities and training to Domestic Violence High Risk Teams (DVHRTs), community partners, and local police departments.
Short-term Counseling and Advocacy
This service provides goal-oriented support and advocacy to victims and survivors of domestic violence, allowing individuals to explore their options privately with the help of an Advocate. It is time limited, consisting of 12 weeks. Using an empowerment-based model Advocates assist survivors in evaluating their situations and planning for their safety and future.
This project was partially supported by the Massachusetts Office for Victim Assistance through a Victims of Crime Act of 1984 (VOCA) grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice.
Support Groups
YWCA’s domestic violence support groups are a time for people who have experienced domestic violence to come together, share experiences, and offer support to one another. They provide a comfortable atmosphere to develop trusting and caring relationships, and a safe place to talk about the abuse. All discussion is kept confidential. Referrals may be made by calling the helpline at 508-755-9030, or may come in from other service areas. Survivors meet with an Advocate and discuss the most compatible option available to them prior to joining the support group. Children and Youth support groups are also offered and based on availability.
Clinical Therapy:
YWCA’s Clinical Services program provides free therapy services to victims and survivors of domestic violence who reside in the City of Worcester. Therapy can be provided on a weekly, or biweekly basis for up to 9 months. This program is staffed by licensed social workers and masters level interns who utilized a wholistic, person-centered approach. Clinicians are fluent in Spanish and are also able to utilize a language-line for Portuguese, Creole, Vietnamese, and dozens of other languages. (This program is funded by City of Worcester ARPA, etc.)
To inquire about services and schedule an intake, email Madeleine Cepeda at
For details related to a Master of Social Work Internship Placement information please email Madeleine at with “MSW Internship” in the subject line. Students must be currently enrolled in a Master of Social Work Program.
Service Provider Consultations
Domestic Violence Advocates are available to service providers for domestic violence consultations and resource information.