Personal Training & More

Guidance. Motivation. Results.

What can a YWCA personal trainer do for you?
To fully understand the difference a personal trainer can make in a workout experience and in measurable results, you have to experience it yourself. All YWCA trainers hold certifications in training. At different times your trainer will function as your colleague, your coach, or your teacher. Our purpose is to help our clients achieve and maintain optimal health through a process that includes:

Analysis: We help you to identify your fitness needs, strengths and challenges.

Customized Planning: Once we know what you want, we will put together an exercise plan that is guaranteed to achieve your goal.

Coaching: As coaches we ensure that each exercise is done properly to avoid injuries and maximize the benefit of each motion. We also ensure that you do the right amount of each exercise; too little won’t bring about change, and too much will slow down your rate of improvement.

Results Measurement: Every 2 to 4 weeks (depending on your program) we also provide a fitness report that will show your progress relative to your goal. During your workout session we work to not only give you direction, but also explain the reasons behind our methods so you’ll know exactly what you’re doing and why.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, we demand accountability. In order to bring about real change, we’ve found that people benefit most by having a personal fitness coach who is directly responsible for their success in the program.

Sign up!

Click here to schedule an appointment with a YWCA Personal Trainer or call 508-767-2505 or e-mail

Personal Training Packages and Pricing

Individual 30-Minute Sessions/Packages



1 Session



5 Sessions



10 Sessions



Individual 1-Hour Sessions/Packages

1 Session



5 Sessions



10 Sessions



*Includes both Supporting/Basic members and fitness plan members. For tandem or small group training packages, all individuals must be members to qualify for member pricing.

YWCA on Wheels
YWCA will go to your work, school or other site to provide fitness classes, seminars, evaluations, massage therapy and more.