Attention Youth, Parents, Community Members and Worcester County Youth Organizations!

The YWCA is expanding our YWeTalk Community Conversation series to center youth voices!

The upcoming unique opportunities will offer youth a platform to engage in enlightening conversations in a shared learning space.

Youth Activism
Every activist looks different, has different motivations, achieves different goals, and collectively works towards creating change.  The primary purpose of this event is to give young people a space to be heard and learn about different forms of activism.

Featured Activists: Bruja, Giselle Rivera-Flores, Guillermo Creamer Jr., Isiah Tucker, and Joshua Croke. 

Click to View Resources

Youth Civic Engagement
This event’s main purpose is to give young people a space to be heard and learn about different forms of civic engagement.

For the first hour, hear from the following elected officials about their role. In the second hour, you will be placed in small groups with elected officials to discuss important civic engagement topics. Youth are encouraged to be leaders and learners in these conversations as their voices are heard by their representatives.

Featured Elected Officials: State Senator, Robyn Kennedy, State Representative David Lebouf, Governor’s Council Paul Depalo, Former School Committee Member Jermoh Kamara, and School Committee Member Sue Mailman.

When: August 21, 2024| 5:30pm-7:30pm
Where: YWCA, 1 Salem Sq, Worcester MA


We warmly invite individuals invested in our local youth and youth and their families to RSVP using the “Register as an Individual” link below.

Youth organizations in Worcester County are encouraged to RSVP using the “Register as an Organization” link to bring their participating youth to our event. We look forward to welcoming you!

 If you have questions, please contact


Levi Ekstrom
Race & Gender Equity Advocate





Craig Mortley
DEI Training Coordinator